From idea to realization


We help with the planning of technological solutions already in the early stages of the project. We create systems and design equipment. We manage the project in coordination and cooperation with other stakeholders. In the SIAPRO group, we have engineers with experience.

Production of conveyors

STROJREM d.o.o. the production facility equipped with machines, along with professionally trained workers, can meet all the requirements of producing high-quality products. Our quality control system ensures a reliable and high-quality product. We manufacture equipment according to European standards and norms, accompanied by the necessary attestations, certificates and declarations of conformity.


We deliver and install our equipment in compliance with all safety laws and norms. With our knowledge and experience, we install equipment in complex and demanding conditions. Commissioning, participation in trial operation, user training are activities that, along with accompanying instructions for use, enable safe and reliable operation of the equipment.


With systematic care and periodic and preventive services, we make the operation..

Spare parts

Spare parts warehouse and organized production and supply ensure fast delivery of..

Transport belts

Our warehouse is richly equipped with a variety of belts, rubber and..


Business and work ethics and intelligence, monitoring of innovations and keeping up with the times with a high level of adaptation, have enabled our company and its proud employees, for three decades of continuous development and growth. Thank you for recognizing us as a partner.


We invest in the knowledge of our employees, create an environment of mutual trust, in order to continue to serve our clients, with innovation, values ​​and integrity. New techniques and technologies, along with their professional application, enable us to continue to perform high-quality and safe work, to the satisfaction of our domestic and foreign clients and partners.



KEY TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Conceptual product development; technological and economic design of product components • Standardization of product parts; Development of hydraulic and pneumatic systems • Design and application of devices with electric drive • Development and definition of additional product elements • Creation of design and production-technological documentation of the product (drawings, standards) • Creation of supporting documentation required for device certification (instructions, technical folders) • Monitoring the creation of prototypes and updating documentation • Product development and improvement • Cooperation with other departments within the company and with potential customers and suppliers REQUIRED CANDIDATE PROFILE • VŠS/VSS, study of mechanical engineering, polytechnic or mechatronics, work experience is an advantage • Knowledge of working with 3D CAD tools for construction (eg SolidWorks, Inventor), advanced knowledge of working in Inventor is an advantage • Knowledge of working in 2D CAD tools (Autocad, Draftsight) • Knowledge of working in ERP systems is an advantage • Knowledge of working in MS Office applications (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access) • Knowledge of spoken and written English and/or German (min. level B1) • Knowledge of the French language is an advantage • Willingness to take occasional business trips • Independence in work, focus on achieving goals.

KLJUČNI ZADACI I ODGOVORNOSTI • Konceptualni razvoj proizvoda; tehnološko i ekonomično oblikovanje komponenti proizvoda • Standardizacija dijelova proizvoda; Razvoj hidrauličkih i pneumatskih sustava • Projektiranje i primjena uređaja s električnim pogonom
• Razvoj i definiranje dopunskih elemenata proizvoda
• Izrada konstrukcijske i proizvodno-tehnološke dokumentacije proizvoda (nacrti, normativi) • Izrada prateće dokumentacije potrebne za certifikaciju uređaja (upute, tehničke mape) • Praćenje izrade prototipa te ažuriranje dokumentacije • Unapređivanje i poboljšanje proizvoda • Suradnja s drugim odjelima unutar tvrtke te s potencijalnim kupcima i dobavljačima
TRAŽENI PROFIL KANDIDATA • VŠS/VSS, studij strojarstva, politehnike ili mehatronike, radno iskustvo je prednost • Poznavanje rada sa 3D CAD alatima za konstruiranje (npr. SolidWorks, Inventor), prednost je napredno poznavanje rada u Inventoru-u • Poznavanje rada u 2D CAD alatima (Autocad, Draftsight) • Poznavanje rada u ERP sustavima je prednost • Poznavanje rada u MS Office aplikacijama (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access) • Znanje engleskog i/ili njemačkog jezika u govoru i pismu (min. razina B1) • Poznavanje francuskog jezika je prednost • Spremnost na povremena poslovna putovanja • Samostalnost u radu, usmjerenost na postizanje ciljeva

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